Abhi Thakur

Abhi Thakur (short for Abhinandan Thakur) is the passionate owner and chief writer at Celeb Chronicles, a blog dedicated to the art of self-improvement, habits formation, personality and continuous improvement to make ourselves better.

How to Deal with Insecurities and Mental Health Challenges

We all suffer from insecurities and mental health, in fact I write about this topic because I was going through a bad day, myself and just wanted to know how to deal with insecurities and my body image issues. You and I both are the same, we over analyse the situation we were in and think about what a fool we had made of us in front of others. But, but…. but overcoming insecurities and mental health challenges is possible with the right strategies and mindset. So, let’s look at the science of it.

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How To Be More Productive In Life?

In Zen Buddhism, there’s a saying: “In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind, there are few.” Mastery often leads to rigid thinking. Experts form fixed ideas on how things should be done, limiting their vision.

Winning can solidify these notions, while frequent losses might lead to believing success is due to luck or other external factors. Have you noticed how some musicians lose their spark? They repeat the same formula without innovation.

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